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Trigger native toasts in supporting browsers.


Show Implementation

Support for web notifications is available in all major desktop browsers, except IE (February 2017).

This module is not a React component, but a utility. The "close" functionality of web notifications was removed in a platform spec update, so it's no longer possible to have a true lifecycle.

The utility works by providing an object with the following properties:

  • body String up to two lines are displayed in the notification (based on the current browser implementations)

  • header String the bolded title displayed at the top of the notification

  • icon HTMLString (optional) the URL of a picture or icon to be displayed with the notification (looks best if square)

  • onClick Function (optional) add arbitrary functionality when the notification is clicked

This will return a Promise. Resolution means the notification was created correctly (returns the Notification, and rejection will return a relevant error description string.


npm i boundless-utils-web-notification --save

Then use it like:

/** @jsx createElement */

import { createElement, PureComponent } from 'react';
import notify from 'boundless-utils-web-notification';
import Button from 'boundless-button';

export default class NotifyDemo extends PureComponent {
    state = {
        n: 0,

    spawnNotification = () => {
        notify(this.template(this.state.n + 1)).catch((error) => console.warn(error));

        this.setState({ n: this.state.n + 1 });

    template(index) {
        return {
            header: `Notification #${index}`,
            body: 'I can support up to two lines of text.',
            icon: '',
            onClick: () =>''),

    render() {
        return (
                <Button ref='trigger' onClick={this.spawnNotification}>
                    Spawn Notification